Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 95

Today was Day 95 of The Red Shoe Project.  I may have been the only one in RED shoes at the conference with Heidi & Roland Baker, but EVERYONE was looking for God!!!  People crowded the altars, their hands raised and heads bowed.  Some knelt.  Some laid prostrate.  Singing filled the entire place.  Many waved their hands.  Some waved flags.  People danced with passion.  Prayer was going up to the heavens from every corner and crevice of that auditorium.  Some prayers were in english.  Some were delivered in other languages.  Joy and laughter were not uncommon.  And there was even the blowing of the shofar.  Overall, I'd say the masses were crying out for God!  It was a lovely thing.  I'm sure God was ever so pleased!  And I was glad to be a part of the celebration.

Heidi & Roland Baker are a  husband and and wife ministry team that is quite unique, to say the least.  Both are powerful in their presentations, but in completely different ways.  Their message, however, is the same...

Do whatever you need to do to get in God's presence 
and then just fall in love with Him.

Nothing more.  Nothing less.  
Find that place of intimacy with God, and He'll take care of the rest.

Without hesitation, the people responded to this message in great numbers -- myself included.  Everyone is ready to pack up that "Old Time Religion"   
(Rules,  Regulations,  Structure, Programs, Work, Work, Work!)  
And they are yearning for Divine Intimacy with Our Lord and Savior.  
Oh, that we might be like Abraham and be called... 

"A Friend of God." 

(Not an acquaintance, but a true friend!) 

Conferences can be quite the intense experience, but as I traveled home, I realized that it was time to just "REST in HIM."  No more singing.  No more shouting.  No more praying.  (Not tonight anyway.) 

Like a kid, falling asleep on the ride home from a long day of adventure, I am resting in God's presence -- shoeless --  in my bed -- in my house -- and dreaming of the One I love more than life itself .

His name is JESUS!

Until tomorrow,

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