Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 119

Soon after the sun rose on this 119th Day of  The Red Shoe Project, I was in my RED shoes and out the door to walk the dog. Oh... What an awesome day!  These words just rolled off my lips as I rolled out the door...

"This is the day that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it!"
(Psalm 118:24)

Somehow I just knew that God had divinely plugged those words into my heart for today.  Of course I've said those words at the beginning of many a day in my life,  but this day...  well, they just seemed so personal... so "for me,"  so spot on.
I wasn't saying them "by faith" --  I was declaring them boldly!   What's that saying?  "Declare those things as if they already are." Only I noticed that today I didn't have to convince my mind of that fact. My mind, heart and soul were already in complete agreement with one another.  Today was the day that the Lord had made for me!  It was a special day.  It was a new day for something grand to take place!  I could sense it so powerfully in my spirit as I spoke it out loud.  A smile appeared on my face from ear to ear.  As I walked my dog along the road, I seemed to just float along behind him, praising God for His goodness.

"Happy is he who's God is the LORD!"
(Psalm 144:15b)

Before I knew it, I was off to SOZO again.  Yes, I had scheduled a second meeting. Today I was going to take care of the rest of my life in prayer. And three wonderful women were waiting at the altar to assist me.  One was there to intercede.  One was there to record the things that God spoke. And one was there to facilitate me through the process.  What an awesome prayer team that was assigned to me.

a person called in to pray on  behalf of another.

First, I can't thank enough the woman who was interceding on my behalf.  These intense sessions of prayer would never otherwise happen.  I was going there to expose my whole life to the light of God.  Talk about being vulnerable. But that prayer warrior had my back.  And after learning about "The Army of the Heavenly Host" a few days ago...  well, who knows just how much support was actually there backing me?

The two hour session primarily consisted of:  
  • the Holy Spirit exposing to me lies that I've believed;  
  • my giving those misconceptions to God;  
  • and my moving forward in the goodness and abundance that God has always intended for me. 
The facilitator moved me through a lot of territory.  Everything from Hatred and Anger to Control and Manipulation,  The Occult,  Low self-esteem and so much more were examined.  Each step of the process,  I would ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me if I was operating under a lie. ( For example, if I was hurt in life by a friend, I might believe the lie that I can't ever let anyone get too close or they'll hurt me. With that, I may never pursue building solid, long lasting relationships, and the devil robs me of the blessing of Friendship.)  Sometimes,  all was well and we moved forward.  Other times, the Holy Spirit brought divine awareness to me and those lies were discarded in prayer and replaced with God's truth and blessing.  It's amazing how much can be accomplished in two hours.  God gave me the victory in so many areas of my life!  When I left the session, I felt like... 

"Today was the first day 
of the rest of my life!"

I saw myself walking through a threshold and shutting the door behind me.  All of the promises and opportunities that God has for me are before me now.  Any entanglements, misconceptions, wrongful connections, baggage,  "stuff from the past"  is gone.  I am free to fully embrace Today without reservation.  Glory to God!  It's like the song I sing in church...

"He is making all things new.
He is making all things new.
He is making all things new.
And I am free!"

Just as God promised,  I've been wonderfully, "Power-washed!" 
All the crud - the dead stuff from the past - has been blasted away, supernaturally,  
by The Holy Spirit.  
Though one thing remains...
my RUBY REDS are still on my feet .

Til tomorrow, 

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