back to the house, I noticed that the three small palm trees next to my front door were severely over-
grown. Since
the morning air was still cool
and I didn't have anything else to do at that early hour, I grabbed the hedge clippers from the garage and began
to snip away at the dead, overgrown branches. We have a week or so before the community board comes around to do their annual spring check on all the properties, making sure that they are well maintained, so there was good reason for this impromptu trim session.
Did I mention that I hate yard work?
LOL. It's just one of those things that need to be done, and I'm the one that gets the lucky draw, every time. What can I say? It's hard, messy work. In order to reach the branches to cut them off, I have to hold those clippers above my head. That can be tiring. Not to mention that as the branches fall down, dirt from the tree goes all over the place (but mostly on me and in my hair), and the needles that protrude from the branches are very sharp and prickly. Ouch!
Today was interesting, however, because I noticed that where I trimmed the branches last time was now a total mess. The clipped edges that remained had all petrified and now needed to be removed from the tree trunk. It actually fell away quite easily when I scraped it off with a tool. All the dead pieces, along with dirt and leaves that had built up there, simply fell to the ground.
This was another confirmation of what lies ahead for me at that SOZO healing session scheduled for tomorrow morning (See Day 115). God gave me a living picture of how easy it is for dead stuff to build up and make a mess of something, and the importance of cleaning it off so that the tree can properly grow.
It's just not healthy for
that kind of build up to sit there...
Not on the tree, and not in me.
When I was done, I headed straight for the shower. Yuk. I couldn't wait to wash all that dirt off me! I must admit though, the front of the house looks quite nice now. What a difference! (I told you that God often speaks the same thing to me in several ways so that I "get it").
After taking care of several business items, I left my office in my RED sandals and headed out to Adrienne's Salon for a cut and color. For over ten years now, I've been visiting Adrienne, every six weeks or so and she works her salon magic on me so that I look my best and face the world with confidence.

After hugging Adrienne and thanking her for a wonderful afternoon, I headed off in my little car to my Home Fellowship Group for dinner and fellowship with friends. Thirteen people were in attendance tonight. It was great! We had at least thirteen different testimonies of God working in people's lives!
One of my favorites ever, is when my dear friend walked out the front door of his house and smelled the beautiful fragrance of the Gardenia bush in full bloom. As he took in that wonderful aroma, God spoke to him right then and there, telling him that that's how He smells. God is fragrant! Think about it! How awesome is that?
You know... I love my Home Fellowship Group. It's a family. It's my family! Jim and Wendy are the hosts. God is The Director. His Holy Spirit is there amongst us as we build relationships with one another, read and discuss God's Word, testify of God's goodness, and pray for one another. We eat together. We learn together. We laugh and cry together. It's a good time! It's a very good time.
I'm home now, and off to bed.
No more RED shoes today.
Tomorrow awaits me.
See you then,
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