whirlwindnoun1 the building was hit by a whirlwind tornado, hurricane, typhoon,cyclone, vortex, twister, dust devil.2 a whirlwind of activity maelstrom, welter, bedlam, mayhem, babel,swirl, tumult, hurly-burly, commotion, confusion; informal madhouse,three-ring circus
Later in the evening, the topic of discussion
in our Life Group was The Voice of God.
John 10:3b says... "the sheep listen to his voice"
Verse 4 says, "his sheep follow him because they know his voice."
Verse 14b says, "I know my sheep and my sheep know me"
Many years ago I heard a seasoned woman of God say, "When people tell me they can't hear the voice of God, I ask them, When was the last time you opened your Bible?"
It's difficult to follow God, if you can't pick out His voice in a crowd. Hearing God's voice and being able to distinguish it is a learned behavior, but "Practice makes perfect."
So perhaps "whirlwind" is a bit dramatic of a description for my day. I had a busy day, but it was a good day. I do know, however, that in the whirlwind of life, whether it's just a busy day, or a major storm surge, above all else, I want to be able to hear God's voice. I want to be able to follow Him. I want to know what He's asking of me, and follow through.
Today, in the midst of everything, God spoke a couple of instructions to me -- things He wanted me to do, and I obeyed. I don't ever want to miss His voice. After all, in this Divine Partnership He's the senior partner, He's the leader, He's the one with the supernatural qualities. My job is to trust Him and obey. So I have to be "tuned in" to His voice continually. I have to know the Word of God -- that's His primary language. And just as important, I have to clear out the clutter of life -- those things that can so easily distract.
I have to make Hearing His Voice
of Greatest Importance."
In life, that can be a challenge... but it's do-able!
My RED shoes remind me everyday,
to not only look for God, but to listen for His voice.
Q-tipping my ears for better reception!
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