Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 103

On Day 103 of  The Red Shoe Project,  I chose to wear RED sneakers.  They seemed an appropriate choice for a day filled with extreme challeges on every level:  Emotional, Physical, Financial, Spiritual.

I was reminded of a DVD that a friend had given me once about River Rapid Kayaking.  When I watched it, I was totally mesmerized.  I couldn't figure out what it was about the DVD that had so captured my attention.  And then it hit me.  I felt like I was watching a clip of my life on one of it's most challenging days.

There's some very interesting take aways from River Rapid Kayaking
 that we can all benefit from.
FIRST... There are people all over the world that set out each morning to find a dangerous set of river rapids to throw their kayak into.  Yes... purposefully!  Their goal for the day is to conquer the river, and have fun doing it!

Hmmm.  So I'm wondering if  I am perhaps approaching life from the wrong angle.  Maybe I  need to be more on the offensive each day and LOOK for the challenges with tenacity and vigor, instead of them finding me?

SECOND... I noticed that each participant is given a little stick about three and a half feet long with paddles on each end.  Now you know that stick isn't worth squat!  Those rapids are so powerful, the real key here is to just be able to go with the flow.  The stick is to just give a nudge here or there, to assure that you don't crash into those big boulders and die!  Got it?

Hmmm... So I am wondering why it's so  difficult to "go with the flow?" On occassion, my life can be just like those rapids!  I don't know about you, but in those times, I got nothing! I'm just being moved right along at a pace that's not all that enjoyable.  More often than I'd care to admit, I can be found, panicking or even attempting to use that little stick to gain control. SNAP!!! There goes the stick. Yup... many times I've learned the hard way.  Now it's time to sit back,  breath, keep my mouth shut, trust God and let go of trying to control the uncontrollable.

THIRD... On occasion a kayaker will find herself plunged into the water and upside down.  That's when "The roll" is critical.  It's one of the first things a beginning kayaker learns.  There's a special technique you  must master that rolls you back to the upright position, so that your head is above the water. One's ability to do that successfully each time can be the difference between life and death!

Hmmm. So I'm noticing that "The roll" is mastered in advance.  In life, there's also a critical maneuver that must be mastered in order to be successful. Just like the roll, you have to be able to fall into this technique without thinking.  It has to be second nature, and it can mean the difference between success and failure.

 The key is knowing The Master 
and being in continual fellowship 
and communication with him.  

It's also important to have a plan in place, and to review it often, so that I don't fall into panic mode, operating out of fear.
 It's a plan for Guarding My Heart.

1.  Face each day with a positive, enthusiastic attitude.
2.  Make it a goal to conquer whatever life brings your way.
3.  Have fun.
4.  Let go. Give the control over to God.
5.  Breathe and Go with the flow.
6.  When things get a little scary... let out a victory shout in advance!
    "Jesus!"  "Yahoo!"  "Glory!"  "Yes! I'm doing it!"
7.  Approach the challenges with faith not fear.
8.   Remember, you are never alone.
9.  Talk to your Divine Partner in Life.  Don't shut God out!
10. When it's over, smile,  give the "thumbs up," and thank the Lord.

FINALLY...  It's always important to end on an up note.  All of the people in the DVDs were exhausted, soaked, and some even had scratches, bruises and bleeding cuts.  Yikes! But they were all smiling from ear to ear, overjoyed at all they had accomplished.  They couldn't wait for the next opportunity to "get back in the rapids!"

Hmmm.  So I'm thinking that I need to change my mindset a bit.  I'm very optomistic and positive about a lot of things... but every once in a while, a challenging day can leave me feeling defeated.  No more of that!  I'm seeing very clearly that how I end the day is as important as how I start it... upbeat, enthusiastic, in RED shoes and with God.

See you in the rapids!

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