"Come here! Come here! Just take a few minutes and enter into My Presence!"
I didn't have much time, but I found myself, over and over again, putting down my pen, closing my eyes, bowing my head and singing along. Oh how I wanted to be swept away with Him! My heart was sick that I couldn't stay there longer, soaking in the wonder of it all... but I did have an important appointment to get to. That was okay. I know that God is with me 24/7, so I didn't have to leave Him there. He came with me. We just couldn't "settle in" at that time. I knew we would before the day was over! So I hopped in my car and took off.

After my business meeting, my friend who was to meet me at the church texted me with the news that she had to cancel. It would have been easy to cancel myself. This wasn't my home church and I didn't really know anyone. Then again, I couldn't stop thinking about the powerful tugging sensation I felt with those songs this morning, and later in the day when I drove by the church. I knew I had to be there! I had this gut feeling that there was something there I was destined to receive.
I arrived rather early to church. The music team was doing their sound check.
I heard the worship leader ask the guitarist if he was familiar with this new

Before the special speaker gave His message, He called up His assistant to help him hand out some CDs to some lucky people in the congregation. One worship CD was entitled, "A Journey to Another Place." He wanted to give it to someone who was specifically drawing closer and closer in intimacy with the Lord. He knew it would pull them right into that secret place with God. He asked his assistant to pick out the recipient for him. "That woman right there! (she pointed) The one with the beautiful red scarf and the sweet spirit!" Oh my... she was pointing at me! When I went up to the front to receive it, they prayed over me wonderful blessings and prophetic words. Wow! Was that everso awesome!
Next he showed a video clip of mission trips he does overseas. "Who would love to go on this missions trip?" Almost everyone raised their hands. "Now who wants to go, and their schedule will allow them to go, but the only reason they are not is that they don't have the money? Stand up!" I think about 20 of us stood up. I lifted my hands in the air, closed my eyes and listened as he shared testimony after testimony of how God has used him many times to release financial blessings in people's lives so they can follow the call of God.

(Not to mention that I just sent my passport to be renewed yesterday -- coincidence?)
As he began to pray, I sensed The Spirit of God upon me like never before. It was like a waterfall pouring into me. I could sense these twitches of electricity going through me. I heard myself shouting, in my mind, "Jesus!!! Your will be done! I'll go anywhere you send me, Lord!"
When He finished, I sat down... well, sort of... It was near impossible to sit still. I was so filled with the power of God, I think I was spilling over. It took awhile to get myself back to a restful posture. The girl sitting beside me, kept laughing and saying, "Wow, I've never sensed the release of finances over someone in such great magnitude than what just happened to you!"
Does that mean The Red Shoe Project will be written from Greece sometime this summer? We'll see. Let's just say by faith, "When the money comes in, I will book it!" And of course I'll be traveling in RED Shoes!
There's so much more I could share about what God did today. It was another day of the Lord being EVERYWHERE! But it's time for bed. Tomorrow will be filled with new divine manifestations. For now, I've kicked off my RED flip flops and I'm turning in for a night of divine dreams!
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