"...there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents..."
Luke 15:7

There's a new name written down in Glory!
"Nothing impure will ever enter Heaven,
nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful,
but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life."
(Revelation 21:27)
Day 77 has been a busy one. I'm thankful for my RED shoes and the way they prompt me to Keep my eyes open for what God is doing in my midst. Is anyone else ready to join me in this Divine Endeavor? I promise you won't be disappointed! Changed? YES. Disappointed? Never.
Ok... so it's difficult to even talk about anything else for nothing can compare to the Salvation of a Soul! But on this 77th Day of The Red Shoe Project, God was found working Here, There, and Everywhere!
Later in the afternoon, I could be found in RED shoes, with my good friend, Bonnie. We huddled ourselves around the Word of God, at a little table in Starbucks. It was raining outside, so the coffee shop was crowded. There we were testifying of God's goodness to one another and whispering the great secrets of God. It seemed as if Heaven opened up above us and rained down glory! If we continue to meet like this at Starbucks, it's only a matter of time before the other customers are effected by God's Powerful Presence. We're believing for it! Amen.
Night time rolled around and I was off, in my RED shoes, to the new believers' Bible study. It was a small group tonight... just 3 of us. The father of the friend I mentioned above wept tears of joy as he testified of God's goodness! He has been specifically praying at our meetings for his son to connect with Christ for almost a year now. God has delivered that blessing! Glory!
At the end of our study, we always take time to go around the circle and pray together. A faithful attender prayed a simple prayer requesting God to help her with negative thoughts. I followed her in the prayer circle and sensed this "nudging" from God to go over to her, put my arm around her shoulders and pray on her behalf. Ok... why not? So I followed through and next thing I know this powerful prayer is coming from my mouth. It was one of those prayers where as I'm speaking it I'm thinking, "Wow... this is really good!" That's because I'm not the one praying it -- The Spirit of God is praying through me. I mean really... I wasn't even thinking of the words... it was just flowing out from me. Then, when it was over, I turned to her and began to speak to her on God's behalf a word of encouragement. Her small, but sincere, heartfelt prayer had so pleased God that He enlisted the others in the circle to stand with her in the days to come. They were to intercede on her behalf, pulling down the powers and principalities that were coming against her. She left the study, no longer solo in battle, but with a Defense Team in place! Praise the Lord!
Two things stand out to me. (1) God responds to the sincere prayers of His people for help. Just Ask! It would have been so easy for her to just not say anything... but she took a chance and made her request known unto God... and He Answered her with so much more than she ever could have imagined. (2) When we step out in obedience to the prompting of The Holy Spirit.... WOW! you just never know how God will manifest Himself.
It starts off You... then He takes over.
That's Divine Partnership at its best!
But The Believer has to step out first in faith.

Stepping out by faith,
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