Day 72 of The Red Shoe Project has found me wearing a band-aid on my little toe while I run around in my sparkly RED shoes. It seems my Ruby Reds have given me a bit of a blister. Ouch! New shoes tend to do that! They rub against a part of your foot that's not used to continual contact.
So, it's Decision Time...
Are these shoes worth it?
If so, I will have to endure the breaking in period.
Endure means to suffer patiently, tolerate, and put up with.
The Breaking In Period is the time it takes to get comfortable with something new, so that you are moving easily and gracefully with it.

Secondly, my financial situation has changed. I used to know very specifically where the money was coming from and when. I had put together a system of spending, saving, and bill paying that worked rather nicely.
Thirdly, I've noticed that my appearance has changed. Daily, I was running around town in upscale, corporate clothing. I must admit, I had put together quite a fashionable wardrobe.
Lastly, my job is different. My calendar used to be very structured. Everything happened on the same day, same time, month after month. It was predictable!
So... Is it worth it? Is my new life worth this discomfort?
Okay... I can hear some of you shouting at me, "Are you crazy? What's your problem?" LOL.
There are many people who would die to sleep late. Yeh! Most days, I don't even use an alarm clock! How nice is that? I'm slowly adapting to a new sleep pattern so that I get enough sleep, and re-working my schedule so that I can make the most of it.
Secondly, I've had a huge financial breakthrough! Finally, I am living by faith, and it's working. Yes... it's a life of daily manna, but that's ok... it's exciting to see God working in this way! In fact, I'm rather fascinated by the whole process!

Most of the people I work with
are looking for what's in me,
not what's on me.
Finally, my calendar is loosely structured and rarely predictable. (Is predictable another word for boring?) These days it all about "the Adventure." Yahoo!!! I never know what God is going to do... but He's always doing something. And as I learn to flow with Him, He invites me, more and more, to partner with Him in His work. I'm loving that I continually get a front row seat to watch Him do the miraculous... not just in my life but in the lives of others. What's better than that?
Why is it that changing our routine is so difficult?
I'm also realizing that as CHANGE is taking place, I've got to shed the old ways and embrace the new.
I know that holding on to the old,
only delays the wonders of what's in front of me.
I'm a work in progress. But as I let go, I'm breathing in deeply, and learning to go with the flow. There are no complaints here as I find myself , right smack in the center of what I love to do, with awesome people, under the direct mentorship of the Holy Spirit.

So... Is it worth it? Absolutely!
It's just time to develop a new routine: The RED Shoe Routine.
A routine where I let go of how I've always done it and let my partner show me how it's done.
It starts everyday by putting on RED shoes!
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