Day 64 of
The Red Shoe Project was a full day. I wore my
RED shoes to morning Bible Study... followed by my friend's afternoon, Art Journaling class... and topped it all off with my Starting Point Discussion Group for those seeking to know more about God.

With all that going on, throughout the entire day, in the back of my mind, I have been pondering a story. You've heard of Parables in the Bible? (Stories that Jesus used to teach lessons to his followers). Well, today I was pondering a parable of my own. Let's see if you can read through the mystery of it all and figure out what it might mean. Perhaps God will reveal the lesson to you.

This is the story of two longtime friends. One is an older, wealthy and very wise woman. The other is a younger woman who is attempting to be successful at life. The older woman, with all her experience, has taken the younger woman "under her wing." The younger woman is totally receptive of that. She loves the fact that the older woman is speaking wisdom and encouragement into her life. The older woman sees it as an opportunity to invest in the younger gal that she might go forth in the world with passion and do what she has been created to do. The young gal is appreciative of all the love and support and doesn't hesitate to continually thank her mentor!
One day the older woman calls the younger woman and invites her to lunch... her treat. In fact, she'd like to connect with the younger woman on a regular basis to mentor her in a way that will bring forth the greatest success. She knows that the younger woman can't afford the lunches and has told her not to worry about that... just to come. She's happy to pick up the tab. They set a date, time and place to meet every month.

Here's the re-occuring problem. Every month, starting 29 days prior to their lunch date, the younger woman worries about how she is going to pay for the lunch. She knows that the woman has told her that she will be covering the cost... but even still, the young gal insists on trying to raise the money prior to the meeting.

One month she worked extra hours for a little more money in her paycheck. The next month she withdrew the money from her savings account. Still another month, she had a yard sale to raise the cash. And this month... after exhausting all her other options, she was found going through the creases in her car seats for extra pocket change to try and cover the cost.
Month in and month out, the older woman was prepared to pay. But no... the younger woman insisted that she would take care of it. At first, the older woman smiled and complied, but insisted that next month was her turn. Even still, the younger woman wore herself out with worry, trying to come up with the extra cash. Finally the mentor confronted the young mentoree...
"Don't you see that you don't have to do all this?" she stated.
What's the matter, don't you trust me to cover the cost?
Please, next month, just show up for lunch!"
So tell me...
What is God saying to you? What's the lesson?
Put on your RED SHOES, ponder the story, and tell me what you think.
I'm looking forward to your thoughts,
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