There was a special speaker at my friend's church today, so having attended my own church last night, I decided to go for a second course by attending hers this morning. I got there a little early to get a good seat, only to find out that I had accidentally slipped into the end of the early service. So I guess that made three services this weekend! Wow!
There was lots of beautiful worship music there. The kind you can just close your eyes to and be swept away in. I enjoyed focussing my attention on the Lord. One of the young ministers shared something very thought provoking that I find myself thinking about over and over again.
Do you constantly follow after God
for what He can do for you?

He talked about relationships... like the one between him and his wife. How conversations can sometimes become about what one person said they'd do for the other, and how it isn't done yet. He remarked how hungry they can each get for hearing those words, "I love you." "You're wonderful." "I think you're amazing!" And after those affirming times, the other person is desperate to do all those wonderful things for the other one, without even being asked.
Then he paralleled that idea with how we can be that way with God. Do we just find ourselves hungry for God because we need what He can offer us? Do we get into His presence with a smile... maybe lift up our hands to sing a few familiar songs, only to get down to a long request list of what we need from Him? How often do we do that? Perhaps too often?
Then he paralleled that idea with how we can be that way with God. Do we just find ourselves hungry for God because we need what He can offer us? Do we get into His presence with a smile... maybe lift up our hands to sing a few familiar songs, only to get down to a long request list of what we need from Him? How often do we do that? Perhaps too often?
What about just worshipping God
because He's GOD?
I've decided to spend my day worshipping God in my heart for who He is.
God Almighty. The Father of Glory. The Ancient of Days. The Commander of the Lord's Army. My Healer. My Provider. The God who sees me. The Everlasting Father. The Creator of all things. The Bridegroom. The Alpha and Omega. The Lord of Hosts. The Holy One of Israel. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The Bright and Morning Star. The Lily of the Valley. The Prince of Peace. Wonderful. Counselor. The Great I AM. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Chief Cornerstone. The Beginning and the End. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost. My Comforter. My Helper. My Teacher. My Advocate. The Door. Emmanuel - God with us. The Bread of Life. The Light of the World. The One True God. The Word. The Great Physician. The Lamb of God. The Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Our Great High Priest - who was tempted in all ways but sinned not. The Good Shepherd who goes after the one who is lost. My Rock. My Deliverer. My Refuge and My Strength. My Strong Tower. My Fortress. My Shield. My Hope. My Righteousness. The Living God. My Sure Foundation. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. My Redeemer . The Sacrificial Lamb. Faithful and True. My Savior. The Christ. Messiah. My Lord. JESUS.
Now if that doesn't get your heart pumping, I don't know what will. I'm am just going to ponder this list over and over again on this Sabbath day. I can feel my spirit simmering within me.
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