Have you ever thought of
your life as a movie and
You are the main character?
Here's the thing with movies... The whole beginning is about the build up of the main character. We're introduced to an ordinary person. The story develops and we discover interesting details about them. (Their background - their family - their talents... their quirks - their fears - and their short-comings). Somehow the film-makers get us to love them, idiosyncracies and all.
Next, the plot thickens, and "The Impossible Challenge" presents itself.
- How are they going to do this?
- How are they going to overcome the obstacles?
- How are they going to get out of this jam?
- How are they going to come through successfully?
Suddenly, at the very last minute, something unexpected happens! The ordinary person, under all that pressure, becomes extraordinary. Just when you think they're going down... they surprise you and come through! They end up becoming the "Hero."
Hmmmm. So here's the problem... I've noticed that in the movie of MY life, I usually try to avoid "The Impossible Challenges" by taking the detour, going around it, finding another, less threatening route. I'm realizing that's not so good... because you never get to "the Extraordinary" or to "the Hero" part without first facing "The Impossible Challenge." You can't have one without the other. There is no going around it.
Can you imagine how boring that adventure movie would be without an "Impossible Challenge? without the "Extraordinary?" without the "Hero?" How lame is that? Why then would we settle for such a lack luster life? Yeah... that's just not gonna work! It's simply not acceptable.
So, every morning, I pop on my RED SHOES, and head out the door... I'm reminded that this Extraordinary GOD, that I serve, is walking out the door with me. Wherever I go, He goes. I may be boring, but He's anything but! And I noticed... that as I walk with Him, we always seem to be running into "Impossible Challenges." He's a magnet for them! ...which makes me a magnet for them. Yikes! I find myself thinking, "Oh no... Here we go again!" It's bitter-sweet.
But it is Day 45... and we've already faced and beat many challenges, many times. I think it's getting easier. The more I see my Divine Partner step up to the plate and do the extraordinary, the more confident I am in knowing that that's just who He is. He thrives in those situations. Not only that, He's consistent. I can trust that He'll always be there for me. I've also found, that as I read the Bible, others have testified, long before me, of His Extraordinary and Consistent character.
So everyday, as The Red Shoe Project presents itself, I'm trying to relax more and enjoy this movie of my life. I'm appreciating the adventure of it all. I love facing each new day with Him. He's a blast to be with! I'm loving this Extraordinary life of walking with Christ.
With that said, I am becoming more and more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Daily, I'm sporting my RED footwear, investing my time in awareness of who God is and how He operates, and participating in this "on the job" training. With that, slowly but surely, my perspective is changing. I'm learning to "let go" and "go with the flow." That's a very good thing!
Can't wait for what tomorrow brings,
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