Let me just say this:
ALWAYS expect to be tested
on what you've learned, when it comes to God.
Especially if you have been talking about it!
But don't you want to know for sure... that it works? I know, I do. But do we want to be tested? Ahhhh! That's often a different story. We are so afraid... to fail. And it shouldn't be that way!
It's funny because it's not so much that we're testing God to see if He'll come through for us. But instead, it's usually that WE are the ones being put to the test by God, Himself. Will we hang in there... to the end... to see if God will come through? ...to see if God's Word is true? So often, we drop out long before God even shows His hand. That's a sad thing...
More often than not,
it's our lack of faith that stops everything.
(Hmmmm. That's something to really think about.)
One thing we can be glad about is this: God allows us to re-test!
Mistakes should not be so frowned upon. They merely show us where we stand on the matter at hand. So, for example...take Faith. Just when you start thinking, "I'm strong in my faith!" Something will come along, and you'll realize that you're bailing out pretty quick. You think, "How did that happen? I thought I was so strong in my faith."
So, here's the benefit: Now you know exactly how weak you are and what muscles you need to strengthen, so that you'll do better on the next test.
Many tests have to be taken many times. But before you know it, your failing grade becomes a passing grade. Then you are going from a passing grade to a better grade, a B... then a B+... then an A... and eventually you are passing with flying colors... you're a Superstar!
With that, I have decided to spend a few more days with Mom, while my car sits at the Dealership waiting for Monday morning to roll around. As I look at my RED SHOES sitting by her front door, instead of being anxious and uncomfortable, I am enjoying my time with her, praising God that my car had problems in her driveway, and not out in the middle of nowhere. I'm believing that God has a plan... and it's working out exactly the way He wants it to.
So glad to hear your perspective! love it! love you and miss you! keep on moving ahead. God is faithful. :) <3