Today we talked about ..."Fearing the Lord".
What does that mean? Are we to be afraid of God?
It was a great discussion, and although I can't share everything from that 2 hour class, I did want to bring up one particular point of interest. So many of us can totally relate to God as Our Father... Daddy... Papa. All of the women in this group have strong relationships with God. Each of them could tell you countless, personal examples of the close, loving relationship they have with Him.
But then we veered off into a little bit of a different direction. We talked about some of the Names of God that describe His great power. Names like:
Almighty God. The Righteous Judge. My Deliverer.
The Lord of Hosts of Heaven's Armies. God Most High.
The All Sufficient One. My Front & Rear Guard. My Provider.
God of Glory. King of Kings & Lord of Lords. My Righteousness.
Suddenly... a quiet, Holy HUSH came upon us. You could feel the whole atmosphere in the room change. Recognizing God's Presence, we just stopped everything right there and sat quietly in awe of Him. Wow! Worthy is His Name!
Here's the paradox. On the one hand, He's Our Father. Like a child, we sit in Papa's lap. We hug Him. We hold Him. We rest our head upon His chest and listen to His heartbeat. We laugh. We cry. We share out uttermost secrets with Him. We are safe. We are loved.
On the other hand, we recognize that there's a whole other side to Our Father. He may be Our Father, but He's also God Almighty! The Righteous Judge. The Deliverer. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! (You get the picture).
So here's the golden nugget I gleaned from that:

"Be still and know that I am God!"
Psalm 46.10
Be still? that means...
Don't Worry! Don't Squirm! Don't be Concerned! Don't be so Uncomfortable! Don't Pace! Don't Struggle! Why? Because...
He may be My Father... but He's also GOD!
Now I can walk anywhere, in my RED SHOES, in quiet CONFIDENCE that He is Able!
Im still in awe from yesterday, the hush that came into our room as we gathered together as sisters in Christ under the sweet aroma of Jesus himself was there. Thanks for that word this morning Gail, your in my heart today all day! Heart heart!