We often sit around the kitchen table and play games for hours while we chat. One of our favorite games is Boggle. The boggle board is a small square board separated into 4 rows and 4 columns. There's 16 small cubes that have a letter on each panel. You shake them all up and drop them onto the board, so that one letter on each cube is facing up, and the players have to look at the board and find all the words that are displayed by connecting letters. (You get the picture).
Everyone has a set time to write down all the words they see. When the time is up, each person reads off the words they found. If more than one person has the same word, you scratch it off your list. You only get points for the words no one else has.
What never ceases to amaze me is how many words are seen by the other players that I totally miss! And it's not a word or two. More often than not, it's a lot of words. How can we all take one minute to look at 16 letters on a board and see totally different things?
For example, in one game, after the 4 of us, scratched off all the words we had in common with one another, (and there were many), I still had 5 words that no one else had. And one of the other sisters had 8 words no one else had. Another had 6 words none of us saw. And still another had 9 words that no one caught. How can that be? How can we miss so much of what's right there in front of us?
is what each person sees from their particular vantage point.
With The Red Shoe Project, one of the things I never want to be blind to is the working of God in my life and in the lives of the people around me. God's handiwork is GREAT and I don't want to miss any of it! Many people consider themselves lucky to witness a miracle in their life, but honestly... I've seen hundreds, perhaps more! Why?
Because I'm always looking for what God's doing.
I once heard someone tell a story about perspective that basically said this: In any given situation where God is moving, there are 3 types of people:
- Those who are in the middle of what's happening.
- Those who are watching it happen.
- Those who are totally unaware that something's happening.
It's amazing how much God is at work, and so many of us "miss it". I know from experience that a greater awareness to what God's doing around you starts with a simple prayer:
"Lord, Please open my eyes".
It's a glorious thing! Just like the game, it will "boggle" your mind as to what you've been missing!
Keeping my eyes wide open,
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