Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4

When I wake up each morning, I look down and there's my toes sticking out from under the covers.  I smile as I see the bright RUBY RED, sparkly nail polish on my toes.  I've never before had any type of bold color like this from a pedicure, so I am getting used to them.  Not to mention, I live in Florida, where the weather is always warm, so it's not uncommon to be barefoot or in flip flops throughout the entire year.

As silly as it may sound, seeing those RED toes first thing each day have prompted me to stay in bed a little longer in the mornings and talk to God before I do anything else. I love that!  When I'm just waking up, my mind is clear. It hasn't had time yet to be filled up with all the clutter a day can bring.

While my head is still on the  pillow, I gently open my eyes.  Sometimes there's a praise song playing softly in my mind... or a scripture. I try to hang onto that for the entire day. It's usually the exact affirmation I'll need. So I'll quietly sing along or recite it before it's whisked away.
"He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God..."
 (Psalm 40:3)

I so enjoy that peaceful time with my God. It's as if He's right there waiting for me to wake up.
Sometimes I whisper quiet secrets to the One I love. Other times, I look for help getting out of bed because I know that challenges await me. LOL.

Often, this is a time when God will speak clearly to me. He knows He has my full attention. When that happens, I will prop up my pillows, put on my glasses, and reach by my bedside for my journal and pen. I don't want to forget what God has taken the time to specifically dictate to me.

So it's only day 4 of the Red Shoe Project, and God has reminded me that...

"His thoughts are not my thoughts,
Neither are my ways His ways."
(Isaiah 55:8)  

So He's begun sharing His perspective on things that I might grasp ahold of His mindset as I follow Him in this Divine Partnership.

I spent much of today meditating on Psalm 25:4

"Show me your ways, O Lord
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long."

I have found scripture easier to memorize when it's in the form of a song.  I found myself closing my eyes throughout the day and singing along with Hillsong:

Truly I yearn to know His ways that I might be a better follower.

Until tomorrow, 

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