"Unveil" means:
to expose something that's been hidden...
to reveal it, to bring it to light, to make it known.
I can't get over the fact that something can be right in front of me and I just don't see it. The Answer I'm looking for? There it is! Where? It's right there. Right in front of my nose! BUT... no matter how hard I squint my eyes... even if I put on glasses... I just don't see it! What? Am I blind? Yes... that's exactly what it is! I'm blind to it. It's hidden. It's covered up. For some reason, I'm just not meant to see it at this particular time. Then one day... Woolah! The curtain is lifted. And there it is! By golly, I was blind, but now I see! Oh, how God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
In my first business meeting this morning... that's right, I said BUSINESS meeting... I had been hesitating on jumping in and getting overly involved in a project because I was uncertain of my place in the whole thing. Did I really belong here? Had I simply gotten to this place by happenstance? or had God put me here to make a specific contribution? Then, quite SUDDENLY... God connected the dots and REVEALED how things fit together, and that I was, in fact, to move forward now.
Perhaps you know the parallel of the TRAFFIC LIGHTS and GOD's DIVINE DIRECTION.
- A Red Light means to STOP! ...Stay Put. Don't do anything.
- A Yellow Light means to WAIT.
- A Green Light means to MOVE AHEAD.
It seemed like I'd been sitting at that particular Stop Light for over a year. That can make you start to believe that maybe you've missed something. Maybe this traffic light is broken?
Today... the light turned GREEN! Yahoo! We're moving forward, baby! Do I sound excited? It's because I am excited!
The Connecting of the Dots was like a Divine Word of Knowledge that turned the Lights to Green. What's that I hear? BEEPING? I think it's the Holy Spirit in the car behind me motivating me to proceed forward!
In my second business meeting of the day, I decided to invite a new business colleague to an event I'm going to. Long story, short, she turned out to be a well-seasoned Woman of God. Not only that, she recognized that she is able to help me specifically in a business venture that God has put before me. Even more than just wanting to help me succeed, she believes that our meeting was specifically ordained by God so that she could help. It was a wonderful thing. God "unveiled" who she really is, and how she is a key player in the plan God is unfolding before me. In addition to all that, we both connected in an instant! It is a God connection! A true friendship has begun. Boy do I wish that all business meetings were that productive and exciting. We both left "filled" with excitement and anticipation of what God has in store.
The whole idea of "unveiling" reminds me of a story found in
2 Kings 6: 15 - 17.
The enemy has sent his army to surround the city where the Prophet of God is residing. The servant of the prophet goes out of the house and sees the army. He is petrified! He goes back inside to warn the prophet. The prophet responds,
"Don't be afraid, those who with us are more than those who are with them".
The servant doesn't see it. What is the prophet talking about? He only sees the enemy on all four sides. The prophet responds by praying...
"Lord, open his eyes so he may see."
God proceeds to open the servant's eyes, and now when he looks around, not only does he see the enemy, he sees the hills full of horses and chariots of fire protecting the Prophet.
Ahhhh! "Unveiling"... It is a Good Thing. God totally pulled it all together for me by "lifting the veil" and showing me things that I hadn't been able to see before. It was a productive day in RED SHOES!
One day. Two meetings. Huge Insight. Major Headway!
Can't wait for tomorrow.
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