We found a cozy nook at The Garden Room Cafe @ Shoogie Boogies, in Towles Court. We delighted in a magnificent lunch featuring a most wonderful cream of mushroom soup, spinach quiche, fresh fruit, and a soothing Hot Pear and Ginger Tea on the side. We started off our conversation with a prayer and the two of us got lost in the wonder of His Presence for over two hours. I guess you could say that the "3" of us had lunch.
Today my heart is bursting with gratitude. I'm thankful that God has placed this remarkable friend in my life to walk the Yellow Brick Road with me for awhile! You meet a lot of people in Oz. Some are treasures.... for a day? ...for a season? ...for a long time? ...for a life time? Only God knows.
We're like two little girl friends. She's just 3... and I like to twirl in my Red Mary Janes. We nibbled on strawberries and grapes, but mostly we feasted on friendship! I'm going to enjoy her company for as long as I can.
Is there someone that God has specifically placed in your life to encourage you? motivate you? Challenge you to go further with Him? Is there someone who prays you through the difficult times? Laughs with you? Cries with you? Offers up a Word of Wisdom just when it's needed most? Listens to you? Enjoys your Company?
Enjoy her. Treasure her. Honor her. Be a blessing to her. Thank God for her. And of course, make sure she has something RED to wear on her feet!
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