Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58

Day 58 of  The Red Shoe Project was another RED flip flops day.  This footwear is a must when your day includes a walk on beautiful Lido Beach with your best girlfriend! We had lots to catch up on... the good, the bad and the ugly.  So we chatted as we power-walked the shoreline. The sound of the waves and the cool breeze reminded us that God was with us. Right before our walk, we shared a devotional together that included Psalm 73:23...

"Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand."

Ahhhh... God is good! It's funny how a simple verse can be so powerfully calming.  I must admit, it is wonderful having a best friend... someone to relax and have fun with... someone to talk to about anything and everything... someone to pray with... someone to believe with.  

But even better is knowing that God is upholding both me and my friend.  Because GOD is GOD!  He's not a man.  He's divine.  He's all powerful, all knowing, all present.  

"With Him all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

 He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. It all belongs to Him. Everything.  Everything on the earth... and beyond.  It's His creation.  He can do anything He wants.  He can move mountains.  He can move men. It's God that gives leaders their positions.  It's God that gives favor to whomever He desires.  In the end, "every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!" (Philippians 2:10-11).

As I walked the dog tonight, I looked up into the dark sky at the bright, round moon.  Wow!  There's no doubt that I serve an awesome God.  Just looking at all those stars, I was reminded to never give up hope.  What a Mighty God I serve!   
There are many things God has spoken to me... even promised me.  Like Mary, the mother of Jesus, I ponder them in my heart continually.  I pull them out from time to time and remind God  that I haven't forgotten about them, that I'm still waiting.  Then I tuck them in the bank of my heart where they are safe until the appointed time.

I know that God's promises ride on faith.  Some promises are fulfilled right away, while others I have to wait for.  I hate waiting!  I live in the day and age of instant gratification. (The McDonald's drive-thru mentality).  That mentality doesn't faze God in the least.  He doesn't operate that way.  He's on His own time table.  I've come to learn that when it comes to the promises of God, I have to catch His wave, get on His time table, and ride it out (by faith) to the end.  And yes... that does mean waiting!  

But God is a Promise Keeper.   I know that.  The Bible says...

"God is not a man that he should lie,
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?"

Numbers 23:19

So I am holding on to Hebrews 11:1

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see."

I know that His name is "Faithful and True"  (Revelation 19:11).  I love that!  I love Him!  He has shown himself to me, over and over again, (for 30 years), to be consistent in His faithfulness.  So I have no reason to believe that He will change now.

Waiting.  Praying.  Believing.  
Waiting.  Praying.  Believing.  
Waiting.  Praying.  Believing.

I can do that! 
My RED shoes will help me.
They'll continually remind me that...

and that as I walk with Him, 
I am holding onto his right hand. 


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