Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 90

Day 90 of The Red Shoe Project caught me in RED strappy sandals on a road trip to Granny's for  Easter.  It's the biggest holiday of the year, so the girls and I decided to get all dressed up and head out to spend the afternoon with the woman we love most.  What a wonderful time we had!

My oldest daughter mentioned to me that she has noticed lately that she is catching herself saying things that only I would say.
"Oh no, I'm becoming my mom!"  is now
officially part of her vocabulary.  Then she added,
"You're becoming Granny, and I'm becoming You!"   LOL!
It's funny how, in many ways,  we become our parents, isn't it?  There are some things, I guess, you just can't escape.

Meanwhile, I am happy that my heavenly Father is forever working in me to make me more like Him.  I read something interesting today in a book entitled, Prayer on Fire.

"Because none of us naturally seek God, 
our very desire to seek God is His work in us." 
* * *
"Therefore, when we desire to be filled 
with the Holy Spirit, it is because
 the Holy Spirit is already at work."

I know in the past I've often tried too hard.  I think I'm finally starting to let go of that and just go with God. There's an old song that says it best:

"I don't have to have a plan in place.
I don't have to see the end in sight.
All I have to do is follow You, 
wherever you lead,
 and do what you ask me to."

Simple and straightforward... not to mention I can wear my RED shoes!
