Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 315

It's Day 315 of  The Red Shoe Project.  I've had on various RED footwear throughout the day ranging from RED socks to RED sneakers to RED ballet flats.

Most of my day has been spent in the prayer closet, closed in with God, worshipping and chatting back and forth.  It's been a day of directives.  That's when God goes into specific details on how and what He wants me to do.  I love directives.  They insure that I'm on the same page with Him.  I do my best to listen carefully and take notes.

 At lunch time,  I stepped outside for some fresh air.  It was so beautiful, I couldn't resist throwing on my RED sneakers and going for a prayer walk.  The Holy Spirit joined me and we continued our most delightful conversation. 

A good part of today has been lifting people up in prayer.  The Bible says...

"And without faith it is impossible to please God
because anyone who comes to Him must believe 
that He exists and that He rewards those who 
earnestly seek Him."
Hebrews 11:6

This is an interesting scripture.  It basically says that if you don't believe God is real, and personal and powerful -- you're going to have difficulty praying.  Someone who prays BELIEVES,  not only that God is all those things, but that  He is listening  and that  He will respond

As people popped in my mind today, I presented them to God and prayed whole-heartedly on their behalf.  I know God listens intently.  He never gets bored, and in fact, He often tells me how much He loves this one and that one.  He's very fond of His children, you know.  

Sometimes He'll ask me to do something specific for an individual... Maybe send them a card, text or email with a specific message.   I can't take credit.  He writes the best messages.  He always knows exactly what to say.  I guess that's because He knows people's hearts.  Sometimes I know what's going on and sometimes I don't.  That doesn't really matter.  My job is to be obedient.  

Sometimes He'll ask me to pay someone a visit.  It may be to lay hands on them and pray.  It may be to check in on someone, chat and stir their faith.  It's so common for people to get caught up in life and loose sight of God -- even though He's right there in their midst.  

God knows when people need a special, intimate touch from Him.  He makes sure I am equipped with everything I need for every situation.  It could be knowledge,  wisdom,  love,  kindness,  joy,  hugs,  prayers,  the gift of gab... even finances.  He's a gift giver.  I don't think I've ever visited with anyone, on God's behalf, where He hasn't dropped a little something special in their heart.

Like the other day, for example, I was driving home from a meeting with my prayer partner when God said, "Let's stop by and see Carolyn and Jim!"  Instead of going left to my house, I took a right and went to their house.  What a delightful time we had over a cup of tea.  Someone else was visiting them that God wanted to chat with -- a new Christian who needs a miracle of healing.  It was a lovely afternoon.  I told some stories, encouraged this new brother and before he left, we all gathered around and prayed for him.  We are believing God is at work!   What's really great is...

I never really know exactly what God is doing, 
but He's always doing so much more than I think!

There are people and ministries that I pray for regularly.  Some of those people know me, and some don't.  It's funny how God can put such a love in your heart for the people you are interceding for.  Many of them don't even know that God's employed someone to pray for them.  Just the other day, in fact, I received a call from a dear friend.  

"I want you to know,"  she said,  
"God has put you on my heart 
and I've been really praying for you lately!"  

I responded boldly... "Thank you dear sister! 
I have needed it!"

When my dad was alive, he was confined to a wheel chair for years.  I noticed that every day he would take time to call people -- to check in on people who had no one -- to give a friendly hello and remind people that someone cared enough to call.  WOW!  There's so much wisdom in that.  What a ministry!

Tonight I ran out in my RED ballet flats for church service.  The message was entitled, "Stop trying to be a Christian and just be one!"   

Sometimes we overlook the importance of the simplest things:  
 A visit  --  A phone call  --  A note.  

Those ministries -- when done in partnership 
with the Holy Spirit-- are power-packed,  
meaningful and life-changing!  

When we all gathered around the table at Carolyn and Jim's the other day, I said to their guest...

"Would you mind if I prayed for you?  
It's just a prayer."  
Then I laughed and said...  
"Well, I shouldn't say  'JUST' a prayer,  
after all,  it could be the prayer that changes your life!"  

We are believing for that!

In Red shoes, 