Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 272

Day 272 of  The Red Shoe Project finds me in my RED shoes, meditating on the idea that I am about to witness one of...

"God's Finest Hours"  

So often I look at life from the "Natural" perspective.  Hey... I'm human!  It's only normal that I would see things that way.  But I have a "Divine Partner", who lives in me, -- The Holy Ghost -- and with that in mind,  I'm realizing that I need to witness things spiritually as well -- especially in my current situation.

A Natural outlook limits God! 
A Spiritual outlook pulls down all the boundaries and allows God to be God!  

A Natural outlook can be negative and defeating.  
A Spiritual outlook is positive and victorious!

A Natural outlook requires NO FAITH.
A Spiritual outlook stretches my faith.  

Though in the Natural, things may seem hopeless and impossible, 
In the Spiritual realm,  anything can happen.

"With man, this is impossible,
But with God all things are possible!"
Matthew 19:26

Putting on my spiritual glasses,
and keeping watch in RED shoes,
