Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1

It's New Year's Day.  For me, that's the start of a New Adventure... another journey down the Yellow Brick Road of Life...  only this time there's a New Purpose:

 To develop a Greater Awareness of the Power and Presence of God, The Holy Spirit, in my everyday life. 

As a Christian, I want to embrace all that God has for me.  I want to, not just know about the Holy Spirit, but I want to walk in and with the Holy Spirit.  I want to be connected.  I want to acknowledge His presence.  I want to communicate in a greater way.  You know... talk with God and hear back from Him.  I have questions that need to be answered, and I am determined to wrestle with God until I "get it!"

So, with all that said,

I'll be wearing RED SHOES... heals, sneakers, flats and flip flops, every day for a year and writing about it.

My hope is that my RED SHOES will be a constant, in my face reminder of my partnership with God. I know that my eyes will continually catch a glimpse of those bright, bold RUBY SLIPPERS of sorts, that are fitted securely on my feet. I'm trusting that will remind me that "GOD IS WITH ME"... right here, right now... every moment of every day.

 Now, if that doesn't change things, I don't know what will!  And I invite you to check in with me each day to see what's happening.

Of course, it's not just about wearing the shoes... that's just to keep my attention and focus.  I'll also be diving into a one year Bible Study on the Holy Spirit as well.  I want details.  Just who is the Holy Spirit, and what can I expect of Him in this divine partnership?  I know the Word of God holds the answers.

And who are the people that have gone before me in this endeavor? I will dig into their diaries and biographies to find out what they have learned.

All in all, I expect a change in my life as I step out in faith.

Today, I have sported some new red flip flops.  I didn't go far... just around the block to walk the dog.
I have already been reminded that "new" shoes require "breaking in".  As beautiful as those red sandals are, I already have a blister. So I have had to resort to bare feet and painted ruby red toe nails for today. LOL!

But that's okay because I go into this adventure, humbly, realizing that it is "new" and I will have to "adjust".  In fact, the first thing God spoke to me today was to put my old mindset aside and embrace the new.  For "His ways are not my ways".  And, after all, although this is a "partnership," He is the senior partner.  He is the Leader and I am the Follower.

With that in mind, I started the day, in prayer, asking that I not be stepping on His toes, trying to lead the way. I'm here to learn from Him... My Maker, My Friend, My Teacher, My Lord.
