Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 292

This 292nd Day of  The Red Shoe Project has been a day of  Prayer.  It's not that I don't have anything to say,  I've just said it all to God.   I found myself a comfortable chair, sat in His presence and went down my list of family and friends who need Divine Assistance.

It dawned on me how easy it is not to pray for people.  How often could I have lifted up a prayer for this one or that one and didn't?  More often than not, I have thought that my meager words to God would be inconsequential.  Where would I find the words to fill up a respectable amount of time given in prayer for a friend?  With that mindset,  I chose nothing, when I could have just said, "Lord, Please help my friend."  That would have sufficed.  

Today it seemed so easy praying for this one and that -  asking God to help here and there - to touch lives, save souls, and bring about healing to those in need.  I just sat there dishing up one request after another as if God were my guest for tea.

"Please try this, won't You?" 
"Could you help with that?"  
"You're the only one I can talk to about such a thing! " 
"Oh Lord, would You pay a visit to my friend?"

Today I have been subservient to The Lord.  I have sat in His presence, listened to His voice and followed His directions.  Even when I found it necessary to accomplish some menial tasks, I found myself whispering prayers continuously.  

The peace of God surrounds me.  I shall read and pray some more before going to bed.  How surreal.  Shall this one day become my new normal?  It's like floating down the lazy river... yet somehow I have this strange feeling that the enemy of my soul is not pleased.  What havoc have I created in his world?  God only knows.  And if that be the case, let there be more days like this.  Amen.

"For though we live in the world,
we do not wage war as the world does.
The weapons we fight with 
are not the weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine power
to demolish strongholds!"
1 Corinthians 10:3-4

Praying in RED shoes