Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 268

It's Day 268 of The Red Shoe Project.  I just kicked off my Ruby Reds  for the day and I'm sitting down at the computer to write.  It's been a long day of ministry.  This morning I started teaching a new series at The Bonfire called  The Gifts of the Spirit,  and tonight I facilitated the New Believer's Home Fellowship Group, featuring  a Bible study entitled,  The Judgment of the Believer's Works.  Boy, I love teaching!  I so hope my students are enjoying their classes, because I am having way too much fun!

I get to talk about God... 
What's better than that?  

My friends will tell you, I have a story for everything.  Not a story from a book.  Not someone's else's story.  I have my own lifetime collection of personal stories about God -- and with this Red Shoe Project,  a new one gets added every day. 

I can still vividly recall the day I told my friend that I was called to preach.  "You can't be a preacher!" was the response.  "Your husband's the preacher and there can only be one preacher in the house.  What's your #1 ministry?"  I let out a deep sign and responded, "Prayer!"  That was true, my #1 calling was to pray.  From the moment I gave my life to God, I had a direct connection with God that baffled some people.  I wouldn't trade that for anything.  But this isn't about trading one thing for another.  I know what God spoke to me!  And He said I'd one day be preaching for Him!

I remember looking into the night sky as we drove by the big clock in the city.

 I thought to myself. "
I know I'm called 
to preach, but where 
am I going to get all 
those stories?  
don't want stories 
from a book.  I want 
my own on stories!"

That happened over twenty-five years ago.  What can I say?   

Today, I have the stories!

I don't care what anyone says, I'm telling you...  I'm changed!  I know it's only been one day, but... something's different!  Ever since my feet touched the carpet, yesterday morning, (see Day 267), nothing is, as it was!  I'm in a different place.  I've passed through some sort of threshold.  Yesterday's ways are gone, and the new has arrived!

It's one of those times, when God just does something inside you.  You're not even sure what it is that He has done.  Perhaps He tightened up something inside that was loose?  Or maybe He's replaced a broken part?  He's probably added something that was missing!  Who knows?  But whatever He's done -- I've been upgraded to first class.  Or at least it feels that way.  I'm driving the new "Gail" model.  The 2014 version with all the bells and whistles!  You get the picture.


Deja vu?
- a feeling of already having experienced a present action.


The following excerpt is 
taken from my book, 
The Yellow Brick Road: 
A Woman's Journey 
to the Edge and Back.

May 20, 2009 -- 
It was on that day that I woke up with a thought at the forefront of my mind:  "Today is YOUR day!"  It was as clear as it could be.  I was so excited!  I didn't know for sure all that it meant, but I knew the date was special.  I wrote it down.

Over the next couple of days, I realized that things were different inside of me.  Everything seemed a little off-kilter.  Only it felt good.  It felt normal!  Oh my gosh... I was home!  I remember looking into a mirror, and seeing that Oz was behind me -- on the other side.  I wasn't there anymore!  I was somewhere else.  I was here.  I was home.  My mind was strong and healthy.  My heart was new and happy.  My vision was clear.  Everything had been restored.  It almost seemed as if it happened overnight -- but no, it had been four and a half years that I had been away.

Yesterday... Day 267 of The Red Shoe Project, was undoubtedly another threshold of life for me.  God meant what He said...  

"When your first foot 
touches the carpet,
there's no looking back.
The past is gone and 
soon to be forgotten."

I believe the Divine Release of My Life has taken place.  (See Day 266)  Don't ask me how.  I still don't know.  All I do know,  is this:  

I did what God 
required of me, 
and when I could 
do no more -- 
when I had gone 
as far as any human 
could go in releasing 
their life to Christ, 
I stood -- 
arms wide open -- 
with a willing heart 
and asked God 
to take me the 
rest of the way. 
 He did!

No looking back!
