Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 118

For 118 Days I've been wearing RED shoes!  How crazy is that?  As I look back over these past four months... WOW!  God continues to meet me every single day.  It's not that I ever thought that He wouldn't... I just never expected Him to do so many amazing things, day after day after day.  It's mind-blowing!  I am so blessed to be working on this Red Shoe Project!

Ever since I left SOZO yesterday, I have been, out in RED shoes, testifying to my friends, right and left, of how God moved so magnificently in that place.  Each time I tell the story, it's as if I am right there experiencing God's presence all over again. My body just begins to tingle all over.  Sometimes the listener even senses God's presence.

One of the first people that I told about "The Man Behind the Waterfall of Glory" (see Day 117),  was the husband of a dear friend.  What can I say?  It's such a great "guy"  story.  My friend was just captivated by the whole thing... that is until we got to the angel.  I knew what he was thinking...

"Angels,  angels,  angels... woo!  woo! 
What's the deal with the angel?" 

You know what?  I get that!  I understand that response because normally I'm not one to overdose on angels, myself. And  I told my friend that.  He responded, 

"So what's the point then, Gail?  Seriously?
Why would God show you the angel?"

What's so great about this is that God downloaded to me right there on the spot the answer to that question.  He brought me to the story of Elisha the prophet and his servant  found in 2 Kings 6:8-23.

Basically, the King of Aram was very angry with the prophet, Elisha, and thereby sent out his army to surround the city of Dothan and capture him.  When Elisha's servant went outside in the morning, he saw all the king's horses and chariots and fearfully reported it to Elisha.

"Don't be afraid,"
the prophet answered.  
"Those who are with us 
are more than those who are with them."  

Then Elisha prayed, 
"O Lord, open his eyes so that he may see."

"The Lord opened the servant's eyes and he 
looked and saw the hills full of horses 
and chariots of fire 
all around Elisha"

Apparently, God's army of angels protecting Elisha was far bigger 
than the army of the King.

So in my world, God reminded me (and my friend) that everyday...

"there are principalities 
and powers of darkness 
that  war against us," 
 (Ephesians 6:12).


"God will command 
his angels concerning you 
to guard you 
in all your ways..." 
(Psalm 91:11)

I'm so much like Elisha's servant.  I don't see what God has going on all around me.  Oh yes...  I see the enemy, but rarely do I see God's army.  BUT it's there.  God is doing all sorts of things, on my behalf, that I am unaware of.  In this particular case, (yesterday at SOZO),  God just decided to open my eyes to see the warrior that watches over my son, and put my heart at ease.  

My friend totally embraced that scriptural backing to the story.  You know what?  I totally embraced that scriptural backing to the story.  Thank you Lord for the reinforcement of your Word!  Without that, it's just a story.  But with it, I know for sure that if God can open Elisha's servant's eyes to the angels of God, then God can open my eyes to the angels of God.  And that means He can do that for you as well!!!

I'm standing on God's Word, in RED shoes!