Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 185

I'm wearing my RED shoes and thinking about The Fire of God  on this 185th Day of The Red Shoe Project.  
It's still raining, here, in not-so-sunny Florida.  I can't complain though... it waters my lawn for free and keeps the grass from burning up.

At this time of year, the sun is at its strongest. In some parts of Florida, trees have caught on fire.  Huge areas go up in flames leaving nothing behind.  Driving along the highway, I've seen the desolate remains.

Almost a year ago, I went to several services to hear a minister speak on The Supernatural Things of God.  She called me out from the crowd and had me come to the front.  She prophesied over  me that I was about to take a quantum leap in my spiritual life.  Next thing I knew, I was laying flat out on the floor.  I wasn't quite sure how I got there, but I wasn't in a hurry to get up.  No one had even touched me.  That had never happened to me before.  In the last twelve months, I think I've taken several quantum leaps.  I'm not kidding.  And I'm not talking about a few giant steps.  I'm talking about quantum leaps.  I've grown more spiritually in the last year than most do in a decade.  It's been awesome!
Quantum leap - a sudden, highly significant 
advance or breakthrough.

At the end of one of those services, that same minister called people to the front of the church who wanted to experience more of God.  I went forward.  I closed my eyes and lifted my hands in surrender to Jesus.  I prayed quietly, under my breath, while the minister worked her way down the line, personally praying for each one of us.  When she got to me, she gently touched my belly and said a simple prayer:

Receive the Fire of God!

Once again, without even being touched, there I was, laid out on the floor.  My body seemed so heavy, I couldn't quite get up with ease, so I just laid there on my back, quietly praising God.  It was such a nice feeling...  sort of like floating on a cloud.  That's so funny, cause I can't even seem to lay down on my own living room floor, let alone some strange church floor.  Personally,  I 'm surprised I didn't just jump right up and go back to my seat.  It was just so peaceful there, I didn't want to move.

Suddenly,  I began to realize that it was getting awfully hot in the church.  Who turned the air conditioner off?  Maybe I was getting a hot flash?  I wasn't in menopause yet, but I heard some of my older girlfriends describe something like this.  They carried fans around with them to keep them cool.  

It was starting to get uncomfortably hot.  I found myself loosening the collar of my shirt.  Then I realized that the heat was coming from within me.  I was radiating heat!   Duh!  It never dawned on me, until later, that the minister prayed for me to receive the Fire of God and there I was, laying on the floor, experiencing some sort of burning within -- like a fire.  LOL!

Almost ten years ago, I went with a friend to a Benny Hinn crusade.  I'd never been before and I wanted to see for myself what it was like.  Not knowing what to expect, my friend was incredibly guarded, and I guess I was a bit guarded myself.  The music and worship were incredible.  I'll never forget Ron Kenoly singing "Jesus is Alive."  Wow!  The whole arena exploded in worship unto the Lord!  It was amazing.  There was a good word, good prayer, and some amazing signs and wonders.

We were sitting way up high, in one of the last rows where we could see everything.  What stands out the most, however, was a little detail - a personal sign from God for me and my friend.  Near the end of the meeting, we were instructed to put our hand on the shoulder of the person beside us.  Together the whole arena agreed with the minister in prayer.  As I stood there, in the midst of thousands of Christians, I thought to myself...

 "Wow... what's with my friend's hand? It's so hot!  
It feels like a hot iron that someone left plugged in."  

I leaned over and whispered in my friend's ear,

"What's with your hand?  
You're going to burn a hole in my shirt!"

 Shortly after that, the meeting came to an end and we headed home.  While we discussed the highlights of the evening, my friend confessed that he didn't know what to make of the signs and wonders that seemed to be taking place right in front of us.  When we all closed our eyes to pray, he silently cried out to God to give him a personal sign that God was, in fact, at work in that place.  Right at that moment, he felt his hands getting hotter and hotter.  He struggled back and forth in his mind, "Was this God? or just just me?"  That's when I leaned over and told him his hand was going to burn a hole in my shirt.  He realized right then that his hands actually were on fire!

As I think about these divine occurrences, I can't help but remember the Bible story where the Believers were all waiting together in the upper room. 
Acts 2:2-4 says...

"Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind 
came from heaven and filled the whole house where 
they were sitting.  They saw what seemed to be tongues 
of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began 
to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."

Last night, my Bible Discussion group was talking about the Book of Revelation.  In chapter 3, verses 15 and 16, the angel says to the church in Laodicea,  

" are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were one or the other! 
 So, because you are lukewarm  -- neither hot nor cold -- 
I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

I don't know about you, dear friends, but I so desperately desire to be on Fire for God!  

I don't want to care about 
how that looks like to onlookers.  
I only want to care about 
how I look to God.  

When He looks down on me, I want Him to see
 His girl,  in RED shoes,  radically praising Him,  
doing the work of the Father, and flowing with 
His Spirit.  

Please God...  
Deposit a MIGHTY FIRE in me!


Day 184

Day 184 of  The Red Shoe Project  had me leaving the house extra early this morning in RED shoes, in order to get to our new venue for the Bonfire Bible study.  Once again, we had twenty women in attendance.  Even with a few regulars missing, our bigger room already seems half full.  That's because there are plenty of women in our area that are hungry for more of God!  Truly, God has a plan to pour out His Spirit on these women and He's unfolding it right in front of my eyes.

In my travels about town today, I met a lovely pastor's wife.  She had her Bible open, so I asked her what God was speaking to her.  She's been studying Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd.  She shared with me some thoughts about the heart of Our Heavenly Father.

The parents of a dear friend of my daughters have just moved to Sarasota.  They minister all over
the world teaching about...

"The Father's Love."  

While I was on my road trip to Georgia, our family friend had a get-together at her house to introduce her friends to her parents.  I was so disappointed that I couldn't make it.  I texted her, "Oh no... I've been awaiting their arrival!"  She has agreed to set up a meeting for me to meet with them one on one.

When I meet with them, God has told me to bring a gift for the mom. What am I going to bring?  God knows I don't have much money.  That doesn't really matter because God's not asking me to bring flowers or candy or anything like that.  He wants me to bring something treasured.  Out loud, I asked the Holy Spirit, what it was, that I personally possessed, that could possibly be given from my heart to this woman.  Immediately He revealed what I was to bring.  It's an old hardcover book from 1949 entitled A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie.  It's the most poetic devotional. When I read it, it waters my soul.  I found this vintage treasure decades ago in an old, dusty thrift shop and have kept it close to my heart, ever since.  The thought of giving it away, saddened me, at first,  but it's not really mine to keep.  Everything I possess belongs to God.   If He is asking me to gift it, there's good reason.  Perhaps it will water her soul for a season. I shall wrap a nice ribbon around it and trust that God will use it powerfully in her life.

I'm so excited!  I can't wait!  I'm not really sure why, but the Holy Spirit, in me, does.  Somehow I just know that these people are to significantly impact my life. What is it about The Father's Love that I don't know?  I've been a Christian for thirty years, it's not like I don't know The Father.  But I sense a door is about to be opened to me.  When I walk through it, I anticipate that I will be amazed at just how little I know.  LOL.  That's okay, because my heart is wide open to receive The Father's Love, in its fullness, whatever that entails.

God only knows what that will cost me.  LOL.  More dying to the flesh?  Probably.

"Oh God!  Prepare my heart to yield to your Spirit, 
that I might flow right through that door and receive 
all you have for me!  Don't let me blow this!  
I don't want to hesitate in receiving the fullness 
of your love for me.  
Melt away any fear, any pride... 
anything that's in the way. " 

It's not often God has me bring a special gift for someone.  This will be an important encounter.

Later in the afternoon, I met up with my best friend.  She has been letting me read a book of hers on her mini I-Pad.  She surprised me today with an I-Pad than she never uses.  She wants me to have it.  She loaded some books on it -- books by Jack Frost on "The Father's Love."  I told her something very interesting I just discovered.   The people I am going to meet with trained directly under Jack Frost himself.  Interesting,  huh?  I shall read the books before I meet with them.

Now, I'm looking for a little nook
around my house to snuggle up in
and start reading.


Day 183

On Day 183 of  The Red Shoe Project it rained all day!  It made me want to buy myself a pair of RED rubber boots.  LOL.  Rainy season is in full swing here in Florida.  That means we have a shower every afternoon arournd 5 p.m..  But rain all day?  That's rare!  It's got me to thinking of an old time chorus:

Saturate me Lord with your Spirit.
Saturate me Lord with your Spirit.
Saturate me Lord with your Spirit.
Saturate me Lord with your Spirit.

Lord I want to feel...
 the Fire of your Spirit, Lord,
Fire of your Spirit, Lord, Oh Lord!
Lord I want to feel...
 the Fire of your Spirit, Lord,
Fire of your Spirit, Lord, Oh Lord!

"Saturate" means...

  • soak 
  • drench
  • waterlog
  • steep
  • stew
  • brew
  • douse
  • wet all the way 
  • permeate
  • soak through
  • infuse
  • marinate

I have had a busy few days and now, my spirit is hungering for God.  Sometimes I can spiritually give, give, give to others,  and I love that,  but then it's critical that I spend time soaking in God's presence,  otherwise, I'm empty.  I've got nothing!  With that in mind, you'll have to excuse the brevity of today's insert, but it's time for me to soak it up and replenish my reserves.

Soon to be dancing in the rain,