Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 57

Today is Day 57 of  The Red Shoe Project.  I slipped on my RED shoes and headed out the door early this morning to attend my weekly, women's Bible study.  I love this group!  It's composed of  twelve women and one God!  Today, I was teaching on "Going Deeper with God" out of Ezekial 47: 1-7.

Since The Red Shoe Project has me looking for God on a daily basis, it's not difficult to come up with more than enough material to teach or write about.  The difficulty is often deciding which, of the many things God gives me, is the one thing  that I should blog about that day.

Late last night,  I took a short break from writing to watch a video clip, with my daughter.  It was the testimony of Heidi Baker,  a Christian woman who is used mightily by God all around the world.  While watching that, I was  suddenly reminded of a powerful vision that I had just days earlier while I was visiting a local church.  How I could have forgotten this, I'll never know, but suddenly, it all came to the forefront of my mind.

As I stood in the church, worshipping the Lord with the congregation, I closed my eyes to shut out any distractions. Once again, I found myself, in that secret place of my mind, that I often go, to be with God. Here's the picture that was presented to me in that place:

 I was standing neck deep in a pool of water.  
The arms of The Father were reaching towards me.  
He  beckoned me to swim underwater to Him.  
He said I'd enjoy it!

It was such a comforting vision.  I sensed the love of God surrounding me.  I wanted so much to swim underwater into my Daddy's arms.  But I hesitated.  Like a child learning to swim, thoughts flooded my mind.  Could I make it?  What would happen if I put my head under the water.  What if I couldn't touch bottom?  Would I drown?  The picture vanished.

When I told my daughter of this vision, she responded, "Mom, That's from Ezekial 47!"  It was then I decided to investigate the scriptures further and present it as this week's Bible study topic.  Even though I didn't think about this passage at the time of the vision, it quickly came back to me.  Of course, I'd heard this preached many times by many ministers.  It's the story of God leading Ezekial into the river.  First he's ankle deep.  Then he's knee deep.  He's brought even further out into the water, until he's waist deep. Finally... if he wants to go further, he has to swim.

I've often heard "the depths of the water" paralleled with "our willingness to go deeper with God".   Deeper in commitment.  Deeper in our understanding of God's Word.  Deeper into ministry.  Deeper into the things of God.

Is God asking me to go deeper?

I'm convinced He is!  It seems I've come so far... "neck deep," even.  But now...  it's time for the next step of faith... To go completely under the water.  Yikes!!!

Completely, under water?  Fully immersed in Him?  Totally committed?  All the way?  Without reservation?  100%?  The whole kit n kaboodle? The full deal?  No holding back?  Wow!  Talk about the BIG plunge!

With that, I will come out...

Dripping wet!  Completely drenched!  Soaked to the bone!  Fully absorbed!  Baptised and beyond!  Saturated in the Spirit!  Totally Engulfed in His Love! 

 Hmmmmm. I have to admit, that does sound really nice.

It made me think about our hot summer days, here, in Florida.  Those days when the kids are in the pool.  I'm usually sitting nearby listening to them laugh and play, as they are cooled and refreshed by the water. They shout to me, "Come on in, Mom!" and as much as I'd love to,  I think of the inconvenience of it all.  I just did my hair.  If I go in the pool, I'll have to shower again... blow dry my hair again... and re-apply my make up.  I don't want to do all that.  So I sit back in my chair, beads of sweat dripping down my back.  I'll just watch from the sidelines.  I can do that another time.  

Only every time, another time comes along, 
I find myself saying the same thing.  
And I never do go in.

 Sure,  I look great... my hair is styled nicely... my make up is done perfectly, and I'm dressed fashionably, RED shoes and all...   But, I miss out!

So, what?  If God's calling for me to swim to Him, am I to not going to give it a go?   Really?  And for what reason?  Is that a good enough reason not to join God in the water?   He says I'll enjoy it!   Do I really want to miss out on this?   Do I want to trade God's way for my way?   I could just look good from the sidelines and let others participate.  But, that doesn't sound right... does it?  I don't think I can do that anymore.  No way!  Inside the depths of my heart, I hear the voice of a child shouting loudly... 

Watch out!  Here I come!  I'm going for it!  

Won't you kick your RED shoes off and join me?


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