Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 322

It's Day 322 of  The Red Shoe Project.  My Ruby Reds are on my feet and I have hit the road to visit my mom for a couple days.  First thing this morning, I checked in with God and gave Him my day.  I asked Him to bless it and am believing that He is directing my path.

"Trust in the Lord will all your heart.
Lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your path."
Proverbs 3:5-6

That said, I know that He is aware of every step that I take and is in control of every situation I encounter.  How comforting.  It's good to have a best friend and constant companion that is omnipotent, (all-powerful).  His nick name is:

"Almighty God!"

Today God has been continually reminding me to TRUST HIM.  He knows that I am human and thereby have difficulty understanding some of the things of God.  The Holy Spirit has that wonderful characteristic of being omniscient,  (all-knowing).  I don't.   Just because God tells me what He's going to do, doesn't mean I understand how that's going to happen.  Most often I don't have a clue.

Standing on the promises of God -- Believing by faith that God will do what He says He will do -- Whew!  It has it's challenges.  Rarely can see the BIG PICTURE.  And even if I could, His divine plan often doesn't seem do-able -- at least not in human terms.

"With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible!"
Matthew 19:26

Remember when I was talking about the person who spoke a word over me that was in opposition to the word God spoke over me?  God told me go THIS way and someone else told me to go THAT way.  I'm finding that people do that all the time.  They say things like:

 "That could never happen."  
or  "I wouldn't go that way!"  
or  "That's crazy!"  

They mean well, but they don't realize that sometimes they are speaking a word to me that's opposite of what God has said.  Without realizing it, that can cause DOUBT when I should be operating in FAITH.  Hmmmm.

Okay, so as I wonder how often I've been the one who has unknowingly said something like that, I am realizing that I can't fix what other people say.  Instead, I have to recognize when people are saying those things to me, and disassemble those words accordingly.  Like an expert on the bomb-squad going in and disassembling a bomb before it goes off,  I need to take apart an opposing word  before it impacts my behavior.  I have to defuse it!  

I don't have to make a big deal about it.  I can take care of things without anyone knowing the better.  I don't have to explain the details of God's plan.  I don't have to win everyone to my way of thinking.   Hey...  I have trouble understanding it all myself, why would I think that others would embrace it, when it doesn't even concern them?  

Yeah... often it's best to defuse quietly and move on.  Perhaps what is really happening is that I am looking to others for reassurance, confidence and support, when what I should be doing is talking to God about it.  
(Just thinking out loud.)

Sometimes God just says 

Remember when Moses lead the Israelites out of captivity and they came to the Red Sea?  He shouted to them...

"Do not be afraid.  Stand firm 
and you will see the deliverance 
the LORD will bring you today."
Exodus 14:13

Take a moment to Read Exodus 14.  I know that many of you know that story.  Sometimes it's not enough to just remember the story.  You don't get the full impact.  For me,  reading it gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to anoint it.  That's when it comes right off the page and God makes it real to me, personally.  I don't want to miss that!

That's what God spoke to me today.  Now, I'm going to slip off my RED shoes and meditate on it.  I'm going to let it marinate -- simmer -- allow it time for the fullness of it's meaning to embrace my heart. 

Talk to you tomorrow, 


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