Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 297

It's Day 297 of The Red Shoe Project and as I pray and wait, in my RED shoes, I do believe I hear the sound of heavy rain!

No... I'm not talking about the weather.  I'm talking about the outpouring of The Holy Spirit and the fulfillment of His promises!

I've been thinking lately
about the story of Elijah
found in:
1 Kings 17 - 19
More specifically, 
I've been intrigued by 
Chapter 18, verses 43 - 46.

Approximately three years earlier, the prophet, Elijah, in response to the wickedness and idolatry of King Ahab's reign, announced that God would hold back the rain.  That said, there was a long devastating drought in the land.  Fast forward --  Elijah has just been victorious on Mt. Carmel.  The prophets of Baal have been taken and slaughtered.  And now it's time to call back the rain.   He stops everything, bends down to the ground, puts his head between his knees and prays for rain.  Then he tells his servant to go down by the water and look for clouds.

"There is nothing there!" 
the servant responds.

"Go back and look again."  
replies Elijah

Seven times Elijah said "Go back!"   


Finally, on the 7th  time, the servant reports..."I see a tiny cloud, the size of a man's hand, rising up from the sea."

"That's it!"  
Elijah announces, 
"Here comes the rain!"

"Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, and a heavy rain came down!"

Today, my prayer partner asked me how things were going.   I told her,  
"You know how I've been praying about  those specific promises God's given me?  Well, God told me..."

"It's done!"

Not only that... 

He gave me a vision of a cloud
situated right above my head. 
Quite suddenly, the cloud broke open. 
and a water fall poured out upon me!

Right after seeing that vision in prayer, I remembered the story of Elijah.  Okay, so I know that you might be thinking "You're just grabbing a story and trying to make it your own."   No, I'm not.  I'm simply taking what I see and hear in prayer, and believing God is going to follow through. When He brought to mind that story in the Bible, I took it as a confirmation.

A confirmation is a verification or authentication that God is, in fact, speaking to me.

He always does that with me.  He binds His promise with something from His Word.  In fact, whenever He speaks something to me, I always say to Him,

"If that's really you, God, 
what's the scripture?"  

Within seconds, a specific scripture always comes to mind.  WOW!   I'm always amazed at His prompt response.  He never leaves me any "think time"  in which I could possibly ponder, research or pull together a scriptural reference on my own.  That's how I know, without a doubt, it's Him!

There's a couple key things to note here:

First:   He was praying, expecting results.  Each time he prayed, he sent out his servant to look for the results.  He was looking for a sign that God had, not only heard his petition, but answered it!

Second:  Elijah prayed 7 times before the servant saw the tiny cloud.  It doesn't always happen the first time.  If that's the case, we need to go back again and again to our prayer closet.  

Third:  He didn't wait for the full storm to brew.  As soon as his servant reported the tiny cloud,  He leapt with excitement, knowing that the fulfillment was on it's way!

I believe that's exactly what I have done.  I see a hint of a harvest!  To many, my little signs would appear to be nothing more than a cloud the size of a man's hand.  To them it's nothing -- certainly not "An Answer to Prayer!"  But don't you see?   That's all I need to know that I'm on the very brink of some miraculous downpour.   Like Elijah, I know that  "It's done!" 

Maybe you think that's a little too much excitement with so little evidence.  What do you think faith is? (Hebrews 11:1)  Anyone can get excited after the fact.   But the time to truly get excited is at the onset of the miraculous!

It's starts with a whisper of excitement 
in your spirit.  

Before you know it, you're declaring it!
You're telling people you know 
it's about to happen.

Next thing you know...
you're praising God and dancing with joy!

With all that, God can't resist 
manifesting His blessing!

You might think that's crazy.  Perhaps that's not what you would do.  Have you experienced the miraculous time and time again?  Probably not.  Because if you had... you'd be excited at the first signs.  That's just it.  The first time is always the toughest because you have nothing to relate it to.  The second time is a bit easier.  But after that...  it's difficult to not move right to the dancing!  You just know, from experience, when God's getting ready to do it again!  Sure, it's just a cloud the size of a man's hand... but there's a familiar excitement whirling in your Spirit.  There's a supernatural knowing that makes you anxious to jump out and praise God in advance!

Today, I'm dancing by faith
 in my Ruby Reds,  


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