Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 289

Day 289 of  The Red Shoe Project has me out of the house, in RED shoes, and about the Lord's business.  I'm expecting an incredible day in Christ!  but I haven't forgotten that I promised to finish my story from the other night's prayer meeting.  Truly it was a glorious night of prayer and healing, but there was even more!

Let me back up for a minute...  About a week or so ago, God gave me Psalm 102:13 to stand on.  Do you remember?

"...it is time to show favor to her;
the appointed time has come."

I bring that up because, well - it's just time.  The harvest is here!  If you stay on track and keep moving forward, eventually you get to where you're going.  I haven't been going in circles.  I haven't been taking detours.  I've been on the straight and narrow, and finally I've arrived at the place I set out for.   For so long, my destination wasn't in sight.  It was far off.  I had to walk believing that I'd eventually arrive.  I had to trust that God's promises were true -- that I was, in fact, hearing His voice, -- and that  one day I'd embrace  the physical manifestations of those promises.

The other day I was driving to church and God spoke this to me:

"Gail, I want you to know just how divinely 
orchestrated this time of your life is.  
Everything that you are about to experience 
has been Spiritually-set,  Divinely-recorded and 
God-directed.  You couldn't mess this up if you tried! " 

Talk about no pressure!  Thank you Lord!  Is this some sort of spiritual coasting?  I just let go and let God?  I'm taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly.  Boy that feels good!  For a girl who's always trying to do things right it's great knowing that God has this all under control.  Perhaps it's like that much more than I think?

So back to the prayer meeting.  Here's the big take home for me.  It's been 289 days of wearing RED shoes, right?  We're into the last quarter of the year.  God speaks this powerful word of prophetic direction to me.  I'm telling you... I couldn't have come up with something so masterful if I tried.  

"We're about to accelerate, Gail.  
It's time to pick up the pace. 
We're going to do more in this 
last quarter than all of the first 
three quarters combined." 

"This will be a time of

"Everything is about to change 
as we add the fuel to the equation!"

Wow!  When He spoke that, and even now as I read it, I can sense a Divine Combustion taking place within me.  BOOM!  Can you see what He's doing?  I can't quite grasp ahold of the entire picture, but I can see bits and pieces of God's will for me flashing on and off in my heart and mind.  It's overwhelming!  

The Prayer Changes Everything!

How did this all happen so fast?  I was just relaxing at home on a Sunday evening, surfing the web, looking for something inspirational to nibble on.  

I never knew that one little click   
would change my life,
 empower my ministry and  
plummet me into the depths 
of God's very heart. 

Talk about full circle.  He's brought me back to my  #1 Ministry of Prayer.   He's saved this most powerful component for a year-end Grande Finale!  

I can't help but smile at the wonder of it all.  Who knows how long ago it was that Roberts Liardon even preached that message?   His grandmother has long since gone to be with Jesus.  They don't know me, and I don't know them.  What I do know is this:  God anointed that specific word --  that message -- that testimony and that practice to transform and empower my life and ministry today.  I'll never be the same.   It just goes to prove that God's ministry is timeless -- It's recyclable -- It's forever anointed -- And always impactful!

Heading back to the prayer room,

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