Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 273

Today is Day 273 of  The Red Shoe Project.  I have spent the entire day in RED shoes, waiting.  Have you ever noticed that time goes so much slower when you are counting the minutes.... even seconds?

Tick, tick, tick...

For some reason, when you're watching the clock that closely, TIME drrraaaaaaaaaggggggggggggs!

On an up note... the scripture text used in today's sermon at church was 
Psalm 102:13b

"For it is time to show favor to her;
the appointed time has come."

I love a good suspense movie!  There's nothing better than thinking you know exactly what's going on, and then at the last minute,  it turns out it to be something entirely different.  Of course that's all based on the premise that everything works out for the best!

But movies and life are two different things.  I don't enjoy sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see how God's going to bring it all together -- at least not in my own life.  I'm much better at cheering others on -- encouraging people to grab ahold of their faith and ride it to the end!    

But the true power of an encourager 
comes from having a testimony of their own! 

One where you can personally say... "I know this because I've been through it myself!"  You can speak that with confidence because you've lived it!  

Suspense = a state of anxious uncertainty of 
what may happen.

I took a minute and watched the ending of the Apollo 13 movie.  You know the clip where they are all waiting to see if the crew is going to make it or not.  The time is ticking... Tick, tick, tick.  Not only that -- it goes beyond the time it's supposed to take...  Tick, tick, tick.  Thirty seconds over time.  Sixty seconds over time.  Tick, tick, tick.    Really?  I've seen this move umpteen times and it still nearly gives me a heart attack.  Jeepers... I even know the ending!

I suppose the suspense is what makes it such an exciting story.  I've heard the saying, "No trial,  No testimony."  That means there has to be some suspense built in. 

 Not fake suspense -- Real suspense!    

If there's not a difficulty, there's no need for a true victory.  I figure, I must have one great testimony coming my way!  I just hope I'm alive to tell it!  LOL.

In RED shoes, 

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