Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 265

Today is Day 265 of  The Red Shoe Project and I am sporting my RUBY REDS,  still flying high from yesterday. It was a much needed day of  

Spiritual Build Up!  

The enemy had been blasting  away for a couple days.  Finally, a day of  RELIEF,  REASSURANCE  and  REST  from anxiety and distress!

In my book,  The Yellow Brick Road:  A Woman's Journey to the Edge and Back,  this is what I  say about "Traveling Companions."

"When you're  on a long journey,  it's great to 
have a traveling companion or two. Time goes 
by a  little  quicker  when you have someone to 
talk to.  If  a  problem arises  and  you  need to  
think  things  through,   two  heads  are better 
than one.  In discouraging times,  one person 
can lift up the spirit of the other.  And though 
one  traveling  alone  may  be  weak,  there  is 
strength  in  numbers.  When  obstacles  arise,  
it's easier for  an  individual traveler to become 
discouraged and give up.  Sometimes we  need  
the  help  of  others  to  accomplish what we're  
trying to get done.   Individually,  we  may  not  
have all  the   know-how,  skills,  monies  and 
contacts to get the task completed on our own."

Boy did my girlfriends come through yesterday!  First I met up with a pal at Starbucks for a iced tea.  Regardless of our recent battle wounds and fatigue, we chatted up a storm about the Goodness of God.  I could feel the strength coming back into my bones.  My spiritual muscles were being worked!  My spirit was refreshed!   The time flew by and before I knew it, we were in our cars, heading off in different directions, charged up, to the Glory of God!

I don't remember, anymore, the days of being around negativity.  One day, a long time ago, I made a decision to step away from a friendship that was negative and somewhat strange.  I can barely remember the details now, but it just didn't feel right.  There was too much drama and manipulation.  I wasn't accustomed to that sort of thing, and when the door opened for me to exit, I did.  I thought it would be difficult, but it went smooth.  One day we were close friends, and then... I don't think I ever heard from her again.  How weird is that?  So I just let it go!  I didn't call it back.  I just released it!  WOW!  It sounds so easy, years later.  At the time, I remember that making that decision to let go was a tough one.

After that, I was more careful with my choices on who got in my inner circle.  A few more years went by, and being surrounded by positive, uplifting friends, I let go of another.  That one wasn't so easy.  It took years, a lot of prayer, a lot of counsel, and a lot of focus, but I did it.  Sometimes we get attached to people that don't bring out the best in us.  We can't be all that God wants us to be and be with them too!  

What that old saying?  TIME HEALS.   It doesn't sound soothing when someone suggests it and your heart is in anguish.  But with God in your corner, it's true.  God uses time to do some amazing things in our lives.   Doesn't He?

Last night, I met up with another girlfriend of mine that I hadn't seen in ages.  She pulled up in her sports car and whisked me off to a wonderful waterfront hide-away, where we talked forever.  Once again, it was the three of us:  Her,  Me  and The Holy Spirit.  We just had a great time!  And to finish it off, we drove home with the top down.  Ahhhhh... what a gorgeous night it was for a drive!

I'm reminded of the scripture found in Ecclesiastes 4:12...

"Though one may be overpowered, 
two can defend themselves.
a cord of three strands is 
not quickly broken. "

You know what I love about these friends, in particular?  I couldn't be negative, whiney or complaining  if I tried.  They'd call me on it in a second, and they know I'd do the same for them.  Oh... we'll present scripture after scripture to stand on.  We'll undergird one another in prayer for as long as it takes.  We'll curse and discard any discouraging, disheartening, and dispairing spirits on one another's behalf.  But we won't sit down with negativity.  And we don't let each other do that.  Our job is to pull one another up! Now that's what I'm talking about!

Friends are a 
blessing from God!

I hope you find yourself surrounded by some good friends who are in it to win it, with you.  If not,  perhaps it's time to start changing some things?  

One step at a time!
In RED shoes, 


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