Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 248

I woke up this morning -- Day 248 of The Red Shoe Project -- threw on my RED sandals and brought little Lowell out for his morning walk.  I was so excited about what happened last night at bedtime.  The Lord had told me the night before to be quiet and He would speak with me, but nothing came about.  Perhaps it was because I was so tired.  But last night -- well, that's an entirely different story.  God showed up, right at bedtime, for an evening chat!

It started off with just a thought and I feeling.  I sensed that God was telling me He loved me.  I had my journal at my bedside, so I picked it up and wrote down what I thought God was saying.

Then I wrote down my response.  "I love you too, Lord!"   I followed that up by writing down the word GOD followed by a colon, and waited for Him to speak. As soon as words started to pop in my mind, I wrote them down.
Note:  Usually there's just a word or two to start, but as I write those down, the rest just flows out onto the paper.  It looked like this:

God:  "I love you, Gail."
Me:    "I love you too, Lord!"

This kind of scripting is an interesting form of prayer that always has remarkable results.  Try it and see for yourself!"  You'll be amazed at how quickly and clearly God speaks to you.

God:  "You are precious in my sight."
Me:    "I wish we talked more, Lord.  Perhaps I talk too darn much?"
God:  "You are doing just fine."
Me:    "Lord... I want to go deeper.  I want to know you more.  I am desperate for you."
God:   "I see your works, endeavors, writing."
Me:    "What must I do, Lord, to get You to come near?"
God:  "I am near.  I'm closer than you think."

Our conversation continued.  I asked some very specific questions and He gave me some very specific answers.  It was great!  What was really rather bizarre, however,  was the fact that "Theodore" - my angel - was right there, at the far side of my bed, the entire time.

Wow!  He's a big one.  I was in a very large bedroom, with a rather high ceiling, and even still, Theo had to crouch.  His wings hovered over and around me, as if he were a shield protecting me while God and I spoke.  Hmmm.  Remember how he seemed stuffed in the plane when I went from Boston to London?  Well this room was much larger, but he was still way too big to be comfortable.   LOL.  Oh well.

The Lord and I talked about the angels He has shown me as of late.  Really, there's just two.

There was my son's angel that I saw during the SOZO prayer session.  And then there's Theo.  I've seen him on several occasions.  Once, many years ago, when I was a new Christian, God showed me an angel standing guard at the door of my apartment and told me I had nothing to fear.  Twenty years later,  after my divorce,  I recognized in my spirit, this same angel, watching over my home.  This year, during  The Red Shoe Project,  I've been acutely aware of his presence again -- once while in a church, at a conference, (That's when I named him Theo);  another time, while on an airplane;  and now, here, in this bedroom at my friends' home.

I turned off the light, and closed my eyes, thinking our conversation had come to an end.  I was saying some last minute prayers, lifting some friends up before God, when suddenly The Lord decided to speak. When I realized the importance of His words,  I quickly sat up, put on the light, reached for my glasses and opened my journal.  I didn't want to forget what God was saying for He was saying quite a lot.

No.  No.  I can't tell you all the specifics.  It was quite personal and meant only for my ears at this time. But He's shown me before, crucial thresholds of my life... and this night, He reminded me of them again, and spoke to me about what lies ahead.  It's promising!

Early this morning, I woke up and quickly did a little research on angels, feathers and  shields.  I will leave you today, with this one scripture:

"He will cover you with feathers and under His wings you will find refuge, 
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."
Psalm 91:4

My commentary says  "wings"  are a metaphor for the protective outreach of God's power.   I will sleep well tonight with that thought in mind.

In RED shoes,

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