Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 189

On this 189th Day of  The Red Shoe Project,  I am relaxing in my RED shoes, sipping Chai Tea and pondering one specific thought:

"First Impressions"

First Impressions are how you size someone up when you meet them for the first time... Or how they size you up.  LOL.  The dictionary says this...

"An impression is an idea, feeling or opinion  
about something or someone, especially 
one formed without conscious thought 
or on the basis of little evidence."

Over the years,  I've found that my first impressions are not always accurate.  Some of my closest friends were people I didn't really like when I first met them.  LOL.  Then when I got to know them, my opinion significantly changed.  On the other hand, some of the people I thought I'd really like, I didn't care for, once I got to know them.  Hmmm.

Today, however, I've thrown all that out the window. 

 I've come to realize that  
my first impressions of people
 are somewhat useless 
when it comes to ministry.  

People these days are so good at putting up fronts.  They wear masks.  So often they project what they want you to see, not who they really are.  Rightfully so, people tend to keep their deepest secrets, hurts, and fears way, way back in the closets of their hearts and minds.  They are hidden so deeply, that even they have forgotten about them. Remember the old saying,  

"Out of sight, out of mind?"

Over the years, while visiting various tourist attractions, I've often taken advantage of those huge binoculars.  For a nominal fee, your view can be significantly enlarged.  What you can barely see with your eyes, suddenly becomes up close and personal.  Talk about insight.  Even still... only God can see into a person's soul.

From this day forward,  I'm asking The Holy Spirit for His Impression of the people I meet. What is it that He sees that is hidden to me?  What is it that He knows is of greatest importance in that person's life?  What does He want me to know about the person I'm meeting?

Lord!  Make that impression on my heart!

Blind me from the obvious and show me what You want me to see.  Then tell me what to do with it.

Kicking back in my RUBY REDS
and praying that through!


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