Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 65

Day 65 of The Red Shoe Project finds me in St. Pete, FL bundled up in my warm RED socks, looking at a beautiful view of the beach and surrounding area. From the 10th floor condo, where I'm visiting my sister, it's a beautiful sight.

The weather was cool today for Florida, mid 60s, but the sun has now set, the temperature is dropping significantly, and the wind is howling like a mad man!!!  Somehow that has got me thinking about the "wrath of God."  YIKES!!!  I have to be honest with you, as a Child of the King,  I don't often think about God's wrath.  Personally, I don't want to see Daddy get mad.

As a kid growing up in Arlington Massachusetts, I was the same way with my natural dad.  I can remember a time when I was about eleven.  I must have done something wrong that day, because  (1) I was hiding upstairs in my bedroom,  (as opposed to mingling downstairs with the family),  and (2) my dad called for me to come down... he wanted to talk to me.  I wasn't even half way down the staircase, and the tears were flowing.  I remember my dad saying to me...

 "Why are you crying?  I haven't even said anything yet?"

My dad was not a man to ever yell or get out of control.  And with three women in the house, he was definitely the King of the Castle.

 I was crying because I knew I had disappointed him. I never wanted to disappoint my dad.  He loved me and I loved him.  In fact, he didn't just love me, he totally delighted in me.  It was a good thing to be around my dad.

With God the Father, I 'm exactly the same way... I love to be around him!  And I don't want to see Him upset, (at least not with me),   not because I'm afraid of Him... but because I love him!  So you can understand my surprise in recently having met with several people who were taught that God demands perfection and if you fall short, you are going to hell! Case closed!

Really?  Well, let's re-open the case.  I find it sad that so many people have discontinued their search for God and taken the nearest exit to The World because of unbalanced, erroneous teaching engulfed in religiosity.  "Religiosity" is when it's all about the rules, period!  The result of that is a haunting and dreadful fear of God.

Don't get me wrong.... God is All-Powerful... Great & Mighty... The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I wouldn't want to fall onto His bad side. With His breath, He could easily blow out an entire country! But God is also The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace,  The Wonderful Counselor, The Friend that sticks closer than a brother.  His name is Faithful and True!   Did someone forget to mention that?

So what I'm loving these days is the opportunity to talk with people about the Fullness of God and ALL that He has to offer us... To show them the loving side of God that somehow got overlooked or left out...  To help them search the scriptures to see for themselves who God really is...  To better decipher what's true and what's false...  And to usher them towards the opportunity for a Divine Connection of their own... A Relationship with God, not a Religion!

Red shoes and all,
I'm taking a stand on that!

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