Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24  of The Red Shoe Project found me puttering around the house all day, bare foot, with shiny, RED toe nails.   :)   I was tired, so I made it a point to rest in His Presence. I just found the need to STAY CLOSE to the HEART OF GOD... To listen to worshipful music... To think about Him and His love for me...  To read and remind myself of the character of God. That's so strengthening and comforting in time of need!

But you have to "do it". 
You have to get there... into His Presence. 
Just thinking about it isn't enough!

My SECRET PLACE with God is where I go everyday to focus on him. It's usually right in the middle of my living room. Sometimes I stand with hands lifted up in worship and praise. (A good worship CD or Pandora really adds to the atmosphere). Sometimes I dance around and sing with joy!  Other times I sit on the couch and read the Word... perusing the scriptures and listening for His voice,  for anything He may want to expound on. When I pray... that's a different story.  You might find me on my knees, or sitting with my head bowed or even pacing the floor back and forth... as I lift up my family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances... even strangers before the Lord.

Where's your SECRET PLACE?  
Where do you ESCAPE to when it's
time to meet one-on-one with God?

Do you go for a long walk in the neighborhood?  Do you walk the dog and look up at the stars?  Maybe you head for the beach, or the park, or someplace where it's simply quiet and beautiful?  Some people take a ride in the car.  Others go to their bedroom and shut the door behind them.  Suzanna Wesley used to sit down in her kitchen, lean her head in her lap, and pull her apron over her head, so that her children knew not to disturb her. That was her SECRET PLACE.

What works for you?
Why does it work?
Tell me.

In spending time with the Lord, I'm noticing a wonderful PEACE that lingers. It stays with me, even when I have to step out of the SECRET PLACE and go about my duties for the day. Red sandals, Red shoes, Red boots... whatever... they remind me that He is with me... and though I know I can talk with Him anytime, anywhere... there's something specifically wonderful about the SECRET PLACE.  The place where it's just Me and Him.  I can't wait to get back there.  Because... 


Going back there now,

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