Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12

Ok, so I no sooner posted Day 11 and BOOM... I was put to the test, first thing this morning, Day 12. I woke up bright and early and had my prayer time with the Lord before doing anything else.  It was interesting, because in the middle of it all, I remembered dreaming that night about an old college friend.

You know how sometimes certain things occur during the day that cause thoughts, ideas or memories to manifest in our dreams? Well, I tried to think what could possibly have entered my mind the day before to cause me to dream about this friend.  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing. I couldn't find a connection.

I was about to get up and move on to something else, and God began to speak to me.  So, of course, I remembered what I had just written the night before.  I STOPPED everything, focused my attention on God and listened to what He had to say.

He started off reminding me of a Bible Study I had attended last Tuesday.  We were talking about how the Holy Spirit can direct people very specifically in prayer on who they should minister to.  In my mind, I kept seeing this friend from the dream... And he was holding the hand of a small child.  Maybe a son? or a grandson?  Could God be telling me to pray for that person?  Hmmmm... what a coincidence.

Ok... I can't believe I used that word... "Coincidence".

A coincidence is a chance happening.  Only thing is, if you have one coincidence after another and another and another and another... you can't call it a "chance" happening anymore. And these "happenings of sorts" occur in my life all the time.

Then the Lord put on my heart to pray for the person, especially for the child that was with him,  so I did.  I didn't know anything specific, but somehow I found myself interceding for them both.  After a few minutes, I thought that I might be done, but no... God reminded me of a time when He spoke specifically to me about proclaiming freedom for the captives. Several months ago, He had told me that whenever He reminds me of this, that I am to pray for RELEASE for those who are enslaved to something.  So... I began to proclaim freedom over this young child's life... whoever he was.

While I was praying, God showed me that there were many people in the world whose kid(s) needed to be RELEASED from a bondage of various sorts. It could be a bondage of sickness, or a bondage of addiction,  or a bondage to sinful ways of one sort  or another... to name, but a few.

I saw a picture in my mind of God reaching down into a dark, hazy atmosphere controlled by the enemy of our souls. He scooped out a young man... who was beaten down and abused. The man looked so small, lying there in God's huge, cupped hands.  Then God brought His hands towards His mouth and breathed on the man. With that, the cords that bound him, broke off.  God blew on him again, ever so softly, and the remnants of those binding cords were completely blown away.  Perhaps that is a picture of what RELEASE FROM BONDAGE looks like from God's perspective?

All I could think of was that old chorus, "He brought me out of the miry clay. He set my feet on the Rock to stay!" 

But then I saw, in my mind, the word, "PSALM 41" so I grabbed my Bible and looked it up.

"Blessed is he who has regard for the weak;
 the Lord delivers him in times of trouble.
The Lord will protect him and preserve his life.  
He will bless him in the land and 
not surrender him to the desire of his foes. 
The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed 
and restore him from his bed of illness."

Is that what God just did during my intercession?  Could it be?  He responded to my query by telling me that this is another one of "His" ways.  He responds to people's prayers.  God is forever looking for people to stand in the gap an pray on the behalf of others that He might set them free.

BUT... He continued to direct me to Ezekial 22:30

"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall 
and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land 
so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none".

and then to Isaiah 59:16

"He saw that there was no one,
 he was appalled that there was no one to intervene, 
so his own arm worked salvation for him".

Woe!  I told you that when you STOP and give God your full attention and listen, He often lays out a powerfully, impacting message.  Didn't I?  I just didn't expect Him to act on that so quickly.

Just now, I am remembering that at Tuesday's Bible study, the theme for the year was written on the board... "2013 - a Year of Release". 

When God looks for someone to "Stand in the Gap"... 
May You and I, both, be ready and willing.

After all that, I popped on my RED shoes and began my day!


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